Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Everything Chamillionaire

My homie E, over at is havin "HATER" difficulties - I know he would probably be posting this right now, but until he gets back up, I'm going to go ahead & post it here! Cause the world needs to know - true we don't get the same people readin our blogs but hey, I have learned that my blog is viewed by more Houstians than I thought, LOL. :)

Shout out to my Favorite Houston Rapper - Chamillionaire. Here is a bulletin he just posted a few moments ago - I think I need to be n SA this weekend, LOL.

Paul Wall, Cham & Trae

You can hear a new exclu​sive song with Lil Keke,​ Lil Flip,​ Trae,​ Big Pokey​,​ & Trae on J-​MAC'​s Black​plane​t page by loggi​ng on to the link below​.​.​.​

http:​/​/​www.​ black​plane​t.​ com/​your_​page/​video​s/​view.​ html?​vid=​27970​85

Chami​llion​aire & Famou​s will be back in San Anton​io for TONY PARKE​R'​S "​GAME TIME LIVE 09 Tourn​ament​ this sunda​y.​

The winne​r will recie​ve $500 dolla​rs and will get to play spurs​ all-​star Tony Parke​r Live.​ Team Tony ( Tony Parke​r,​ Manu Ginob​li,​ Tim Dunca​n,​ Rober​t Horry​,​ Micha​el Finle​y,​ Bruce​ Bowen​)​ will compe​te again​st Team Chami​llion​aire ( Chami​llion​aire,​ Quest​ion,​ Bun B, Play & Skill​z,​ Baby Bash,​ Paul Wall)​

Speci​al invit​ed guest​s:​ Luda,​ Paula​ Deand​a,​ Megan​ Goode​,​ Big Gemin​i,​ Laure​n Londo​n,​ Trey Songz​,​ Chris​tina Milli​an,​ .​.​and more.​.​.​.​.​

This event​ is open to the Publi​c.​ SEE YOU THERE​!​!​

I think I'm going to start a new blog and call it EVERYTHING CHAMILLIONAIRE - I don't think you guys understand how much I love this dude! Today, on his blog he posted some shit that had me dying!

Party Like a BARACKSTAR ....

If you can PLEAAAAASE go out and VOTE on or BEFORE ...NOV 4TH.......DON'T SAY YOU WILL AND THEN NOT the words of Slim Thugga YOU TRASH if you do that....

Here are some responses to recently asked questions....

I didn't say I HATE Mcain supporters...I was using Mcain supporters with a lot of HATE in them as an example of something that bothers me....

NO I don't cosign or support Barack....because he's BLACK....I support him because I believe he is the best choice......I have been watching this election for a long time before it was even popular to most people and have managed to form my own not undecided like I was during the early stages of the Hillary vs. Barack campaign..... aint knockin anyone for havin their own opinion....

Yes I think KOBE is and will be better than Michael .....thats my opinion though....

Yes I think the use of online video and the growth of mobile camera phones has turned the music world into really ENTERTAINMENT with a capital E .... Youtube got Rap lookin' like WWF.....its amazing how much back and forth goes on within video blogs.... Crazy.

Yes I meant what I said about Houston (and a fight go with that...*Pimp C tone RIP). Someone told me that some people didn't take my response to the "IS HOUSTON DEAD" question too kindly but ......... So What!! If you mad about my opinion then GET IN LINE behind whoever else is......

NO... im not dissin anyone on part 5 ......aint nothin significant happened for me to have to diss someone......and I ain't lookin forward to havin to do anything like that........But thats all ima say about that because I don't want anyone to get it confused like I wont come with it at a moments notice if provoked...

No....There will be no more "ROLL CALLS" and no more "ANSWER MACHINE" songs on future ones..... all new ideas on the next....

Please don't spam my email with any nasty messages pretty sure there are nosey people at the label that have access to this page.....even though I read the messages I would bet that im probably not the only one reading them.... I could change the passcode but aint really nothin to hide so I dont care... I never respond to them anyways....and to people I do respond to ....I might go back and forth with you a couple times but I cant be holdin everyday conversations ....I aint got that much time to be goin back and forth with people....well not until I put up (Dont ask because when I feel like its ready is your answer)

Peace......yall know the number.... 832.514.4730

And for everyone overseas I have international numbers also....

United Kingdom - +442030514121

Spain - +34911878054

Italy - +390662207197

France - +33170612713

Ill give ya'll more information and announce the date for Mixtape Messiah 5 next week....

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